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Renewed on Subbyshare but still cant download


New member
Hello, I followed the download link and it said I needed to renew because the payment with this affiliate expired. So I did..... and I still keep getting the same message.
You bought one month from us on July 24, which is over now, and then 3 months for another site on August 8th.
That's all I see. So if you don't see the links for now, it's normal. We didn't get any payment for this site since July 24.
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I'm sorry but I see no trace of that. And if you always used the same email to pay for Subyshare (either for us or the other site), normally your money for 8/23 should even still be on your account. If that's not the case, and your money from 23/8 is indeed gone, please ask Subyshare for help because on my side I can't do anything more.
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